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© Arne Elofsson

SciLifeLab Logotype nbis Logotype
SeRC Logotype Stockholm University logotype EGI logotype
Pmodeller is a Model Quality Assessment Program (MQAP) this means that it ranks protein models by assessing their quality. The Pmodeller protocol is uses combination of our consensus protocol Pcons and our structural assessment protocol ProQ to provide an improved prediction of model quality.

Pmodeller has consistently performed better than Pcons in CASP5, CASP6 and CASP7, showing that the structural assessment protocol ProQ clearly helps.

Automatic consensus based fold recognition using Pcons, ProQ and Pmodeller. Björn Wallner, Huisheng Fang and Arne Elofsson (2003). Proteins. 53 Suppl 6:534-541.
Pcons5: combining consensus, structural evaluation and fold recognition scores. Björn Wallner and Arne Elofsson (2005). Bioinformatics., 21(23):4248-4254.
Identification of correct regions in protein models using structural, alignment and consensus information. Björn Wallner and Arne Elofsson (2006). Protein Sci., 15(4):900-913.
© 2006 Stockholm University, Stockholm Bioinformatics Center